Privacy Policy


This document explains our data protection policy and describes the types of information we may process when you install and/or use our application for mobile devices.

This privacy policy applies to all users, and others who access the App (“Users”).

AI Photo Editor

This application access device camera only when you opt to take a picture and access phone gallery only when you opt to do so but in any case, our app does not share your picture over the internet or to any third party without your consent.


Information Collected

We confirm that no part of our application;

          Requires user signup to use its services so therefore we do not collect personal    information including name, e-mail address and contact details. 

          Steals a user’s authentication information (such as usernames or passwords) or that mimic other apps or websites to trick users into disclosing personal or authentication information.

          Installs other apps on a device without the user’s prior consent.

          Designed to secretly collect device usage, such as commercial spyware apps.

          Links to or facilitates the distribution or installation of malicious software.

          Contain any virus or Trojan Horse.


Apps Update

None of our apps modifies, replaces or updates itself using any method other than Google Play's update mechanism.


Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that we request will be retained on your device and is not collected by us in any way.
The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.
Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app

·         Google Play Services

·         AdMob




Updating The Policy

We may change this policy at any time. When we change the policy, we will give notice by changing the date it was last updated or as required by law, so be sure to check it periodically.


Ask Question?

If for any reason you are concerned with the way that we may be using your personal information, you have questions about the privacy aspects of our products or services, or you wish to file a complaint, please contact us at: